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our approach

Genius was established in 2009 after our own experience of running contact centres in the debt and outsourcing industries for many years.

During this time, we worked with various software vendors, often with much frustration and costs that always exceeded expectations.

We wanted to turn all that upside down and cause a little bit of disruption in the market.  So much so that we were in ‘The 2015 Everline Future 50’ as one of the most disruptive businesses.

partnership approach

We really care about our clients and it’s very much our priority to help them grow, as we grow with them along the way.

Whether that be growth in revenue, or helping us grow our product offerings, the partnership approach is key to us.


Compliance is at the heart of what we do! Over the years the Compliance landscape has changed significantly, whether that be relating to the FCA, OFCOM, PCI or Information Security.  Our product development has always been ahead of this, ensuring that we offer solutions that embed those compliance requirements within them.

Our solutions are cloud based and available globally with highly available services, accredited to ISO 27001, 9001 and 22301.