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omnichannel interaction &
payments platform

Our Commpli solution offers blended automation in how you interact with your customers both for inbound and outbound communications, including: phone calls, email, web chat, SMS, payments.  This means your agents have a single web interface with inbuilt softphone, where you can control how many of each session type they can have, and dynamic control over how these communications are routed.

read more about Commpli below…



access to all functionality with our simple allinclusive license options



comprehensive management, configuration and real time reporting for unlimited users



access to multiple
PCIcompliant payment options

Our agent scripting tool is easily customizable to direct the call flow / decision process throughout the interaction. Omnichannel communications are all within the same interface, giving the agent visibility of any historic or future customer communication with the customer.

Payments can be taken in call with our PCI compliant tone masking software, included in the agent license fee.

our client feedback says it all…

“Having been a customer of Genius for over 5 years, I can confidently attest to their platform’s unwavering stability and the company’s exceptional level of support. I have consistently experienced a reliable and high-performing platform that has never failed to meet my needs.

Their support team has been consistently attentive and responsive, addressing any concerns or inquiries promptly and professionally. What truly sets Genius apart is their commitment to collaboration, actively seeking input and feedback to continuously enhance their services.

Over the years, they have consistently proven themselves as a trusted partner dedicated to ensuring my success. I wholeheartedly recommend Genius to anyone seeking a long-term, reliable solution backed by outstanding support and a genuine willingness to collaborate.”

Our management tool empowers your operational managers to effect performance with real time views on productivity and KPI performance via our dashboards and reporting suite.

Data can be loaded in real time, with the ability to change the campaign order during live campaigns, or schedule priorities for later, reducing the need for the traditional “dialler manager” overhead.

Our machine learning algorithm takes care of any OFCOM compliance concerns with automatic pacing so that outbound campaigns will slow down and speed up as required.

Easy access to quality assurance tools to search and listen to chapter-based calls or view screen interactions, configurable QA scorecards and remote listening.

Within the tool there are a variety of campaign management and configuration options around inbound IVR/routing, campaign settings, management of email and SMS templates, user/team permissions to name but a few…

book a demo
today to find out more!